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Giving back to the community: Voice donation by Parami students

The student-led Voice Acting Club recently organized their voice donation at a school for the visually impaired in Yangon, and this marks their second voice donation activity. The members selected a book to record with each person reading out a chapter. The school will distribute the recordings to the visually impaired residents of the community to tune in.

“This time, we had a bunch of freshmen join in, which was awesome. We kept it laid-back with some donuts and juices for everyone. It all went super smoothly, and everyone had a blast. Our event wrapped up on day two, leaving us with good memories and a stronger sense of community,” said Thant Thaw Tun, the club leader and a sophomore student at Parami University.

The club’s 11 members include a staff advisor and the freshmen and sophomore students. The activity does not differ much from the first one, but the main distinction was the increased participation of first-year students and the addition of a lively, brief promotional video.

The club kicked off its first club activity by donating voices to a school for the visually impaired in Yangon, Myanmar, in Spring.

Voice-acting is the art of performing voice-overs to present a character or provide information to the audience. The Voice Acting club’s projects include a broad spectrum of the art of voice acting, such as crafting the voices of all members and contributing to the University's advertisement and other announcements/ projects. All members of the club have a great opportunity to work on voices, accents, and pronunciation while slowly working towards becoming professional voice actors/ vocal coaches and having fun at the same time.

The club is also planning for more events such as 1) Voice Donation Event in Phaung Daw Oo, Mandalay, 2) Multiple podcast episodes featuring guest speakers from Parami Community, and 3) Collaboration with LAPC, Creative Club, and Media Club.

Visit the Voice Acting Club’s website to see more activities and tune in to their podcasts.

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