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Parami students got selected for Yale CSEAS Myanmar Junior Scholar Mentorship Program

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

A sophomore student, Ben Ben, and a freshman student, Mozart Brang, got selected for the Yale Council on Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS) Myanmar Junior Scholar Mentorship Program with an opportunity to join a hybrid mentorship program focused on academic research and writing. Nearly 200 applicants applied for the program, and only 22 were selected, including 12 working professionals in their relevant fields, six postgraduate students, and four undergraduate students.

The online writing mentorship will occur over four months from December 2023 to March 2024, during which they will receive mentorship feedback on their writing objectives. Participants will present their final articles in a week-long workshop in mid-April 2024, allowing them to participate in person at Yale University or online.

Participants can choose to write any topics related to Myanmar (Burma), including its diverse non-Bamar populations and diaspora communities abroad, as follows: Culture and society, Politics, civil society, state-building, and revolution, Colonial and post-colonial history, Religion, race, and reconciliation, Gender, identity, and solidarity, Myanmar law & international law, Health, humanitarianism, and emergency response (national, regional and international), Theory of democracy/federalism, Human rights and land rights and Activism and advocacy.

Both Parami’s undergraduate students are majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) and selected topics in politics and race with the objective of making a meaningful contribution to the ongoing academic discourse by producing a scholarly article on this topic.

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