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Parami community from different regions celebrated Women's History Month

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

March is known as Women's History Month and celebrates women's contributions to our societies throughout history. In honor of Women's History Month, Parami University also joined the celebration to raise awareness of women's achievements in our society. Our community—faculty members, staff, and students facilitated and hosted many exciting in-person and online activities this month.

March 3, 2023 - The Role of Higher Education & Working as a Female Teacher

Parami invited a school teacher from Phaung Daw Oo Monastic School to talk about the role of higher education, barriers to higher education, and her experience in the field. Guest Speaker Session was organized at Parami's Burmese Langaue Seminar Course town hall meeting with 300 hundred students from the Burmese Langauge Seminar Course and staff.

March 8, 2023 - Challenges for Myanmar Women in Tech Presentation Facebook Live

Led by our faculty, Dr. Myo Thida, and PICE students, the presentation discusses the challenges of Myanmar women in Tech. Watch the presentation video on Women in AI - Myanmar Facebook page at

March 11, 2023 - Gender Equity Event

In celebration of Women's History Month, the Social Issues Club hosted an online screening of a documentary about gender roles in Myanmar titled "A Good Woman." The students from the OSUN network also joined the movie night. After watching the film, the participants shared their thoughts and engaged in a fruitful discussion about gender equity in our society. The club members recently wrote a blog on "How patriarchal norms discriminate against women and LGBTQ+ in Myanmar." Read more

March 12, 2023 - Inspirational Night

The Public Speaking Club organized an inspirational night celebrating Women's History Month to celebrate the achievements and resilience of women worldwide. The night was a discovery to inspiring women leaders of history. Parami Class of 2026 and staff participated. Each participant had a chance to feature their inspiring women and share their impact on the world.

Parami University Class of 2026 at Taunggyi Learning Hub hosted a movie night to celebrate the Women's History Month
Parami University Class of 2026 at Taunggyi Learning Hub hosted a movie night to celebrate Women's History Month.

March 15, 2023 - Movie Night: Mona Lisa Smile

Parami University Class of 2026 at Taunggyi Learning Hub celebrated Women's History Month together with students from Cherry Myay Academy by watching a film called Mona Lisa Smile. The film addresses the role of women in a conservative society in their own life. In portraying women as the second sex compared to men and the patriarchy, the film dedicates the lack of equality, equity, and rights for women when seeking the truth and authenticity of women's roles.

Parami University Class of 2026 at Yangon Facility Celebrating Women's History Month with special cake
Parami University Class of 2026 at Yangon Facility Celebrating Women's History Month with a special cake

March 18, 2024 - Special Celebration Cake Dedicated to Women Around the World

Media Club and Fitness Club celebrated Women's Month at the Yangon Learning Facility of Parami University. Fourteen participants, including students and staff, participated. They kicked off the event by watching a movie called Everything Everyone All at Once (2022). Everyone enjoys watching a movie, having a special celebration cake, making donations, and playing spike ball.

Parami University Class of 2026 at Mandalay Learning Hub facilitated a roundtable discussion about unnoticed gender issues
Parami University Class of 2026 at Mandalay Learning Hub facilitated a roundtable discussion about unnoticed gender issues

March 18, 2024 - Discussion on Break the Barriers

Parami University Class of 2026 at Mandalay Learning Hub organized a community event to celebrate Women's History Month with three main objectives: 1) to acknowledge women's contribution to society in Myanmar. 2) eliminate the conservative norms of gender stereotypes and raise awareness about gender-based discrimination and women's empowerment. There was a roundtable discussion for the students, including monks, to see the unnoticed gender norms in the family, school, workplace, institutions, and beyond. Over 50 participated and contributed insights to address gender equality vs. equity issues.

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Mar 23, 2023

It was a fun and fulfilling experience!

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