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Introducing new ParamiX courses for Spring 2023: The best courses for life-long learners

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

In Spring 2023, the Parami Institute of Continuing Education (PICE) at Parami University will offer six ParamiX online courses in the fields of Arts, Humanities, Social Science, and Science. Courses are specifically designed for adult learners and young professionals who wish to keep developing themselves even though they are no longer studying at University.

Courses are twelve weeks-long, including time to implement the learning in projects. At least nine of these twelve weeks' participants will engage with each other and the instructor in online, synchronous meetings of 1.5 hours twice a week. During the project period, there will be office hours but less synchronous meetings. After the project period, the group will get together for the final weeks of presentations, reflections, and learning.

Spring 2023 courses are:

  1. Telling Stories: The Art of Fiction

  2. Diversity and Inclusion

  3. The Business of Impact: How Entrepreneurs Can Save the World

  4. Climate Change Advocacy

  5. Supervised Machine Learning

  6. Consumerism: The Good, Bad, and ugly aspects of consumer culture in our society

Apply Now: Deadline: Tuesday, December 20, 2022, 5:00 PM (Myanmar Time)

Spring 2023 ParamiX Courses Info Session Time: Monday, Dec 12, 2022, 7:00 PM (Myanmar Time) Zoom link: Please note:

  • Maximum 20 students per course.

  • Course registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • All courses are delivered in English.

  • Applicants may register for more than one course.

  • The fee per course is 25000 MMK or $20, non-refundable.

  • Participants will receive a certificate of completion if course requirements are met.

  • Selected projects will be featured on Parami public domain with permission of the participants.

Hannah Stevens (Ph.D.)

Course Title: Telling Stories: The Art of Fiction

Instructor: Hannah Stevens (Ph.D.)

What you can expect from this course:

This course will provide a hands-on approach to new or experienced writers, storytellers, and editors. It will offer a space for participants to explore and cultivate skills in these rafts. This course will explore multiple genres and forms of storytelling, from ghost stories to horror and from magical realism to flash fiction. Come and join us, and let's tell some exciting and compelling stories!

Instructor Biography:

Hannah Stevens has a Ph.D. in creative writing and has been writing and publishing fiction and non-fiction since 2012. Her latest book, IN THEIR ABSENCE, was published in 2021. Hannah has run creative writing workshops with the BBC, Greenpeace, the British Embassy, and the Goethe Institute. Through her creative projects, she has worked with female survivors of domestic abuse, refugees, activists, ex-political prisoners, young people, and lots more!

Jack van Dokkum (M.A.)

Course Title: The Business of Impact:

How entrepreneurs can save the world

Instructor: Jack van Dokkum (M.A.)

What you can expect from this course:

This course is about the most modern form of entrepreneurship: Impact Businesses. Impact Businesses are about maximizing impact, using the classical marketplace and business tools to create social and environmental improvements. We will investigate how Impact Businesses have an impact, what that impact is, and how you can recognize, contribute, or start an Impact Business. This course is for everyone who wants to help create a better future using common market principles but for a different goal: maximizing well-being.

Instructor Biography:

Jack van Dokkum (M.A.) has a diverse background, starting in Development Cooperation both in India and the Netherlands, and moving through Higher Education teaching and management to his current life in Sustainable Business Management. He is a staunch supporter of a new organizational culture that supports sustainability and, as such, is skeptical of classical management and business models as a vehicle for progress. For the past 12 years, he has worked mainly in Asia. He is currently employed to develop the Safety and Sustainability agenda for the new factory of the U.K. brand 'innocent drinks' in the port of Rotterdam. He is an avid sailor, a volleyball player/coach, and loves playing music.

Khin Thandar (LL.M)

Course Title: Climate Change Advocacy

Instructor: Khin Thandar (LL.M)

What you can expect from this course:

Climate "code red" alarms have been sounded, and our Earth is speeding to 'the point of no return' in global warming. Although we already feel its effects on our daily lives, businesses, and surroundings, many of us continue to act like it is "business as usual." In this course, the participants will discuss key issues that affect climate change and how best to mitigate those effects by looking at initiatives being taken around the world to make necessary changes in our daily lives and actions. The course will help to understand environmental and resource economics, international law and policies associated with climate change, and what is being done through international conventions and protocols to mitigate climate challenges. It will also look at how individuals can play a responsible part by applying the knowledge to their lives, work and businesses and become active advocates for climate change.

Instructor Biography:

Khin Thandar has an LL.B from Yangon University and is a Nippon Foundation Scholar receiving an LL.M in International Maritime Law from IMO-international maritime law institute in Malta. She is a founding Director of Myanmar's first Independent Conservation Trust Fund – the Myanmar Biodiversity Fund, established in 2019. She has contributed her legal expertise in the drafting process of Myanmar's Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Law (2018). Khin Thandar has over 30 years of working experience, in the Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a Legal Advisor for DFDL International law Firm, Legal Advisor for the Wildlife Conservation Society, and Legal Consultant for six Asian Development Bank technical assistant projects.

Kyaw Sit Naing (M.Sc.)

Course Title: Diversity and Social Inclusion Instructor: Kyaw Sit Naing (M.Sc.)

What you can expect from this course:

Diversity is Beauty, and everybody in our society matters. You will learn the benefits and power of inclusivity, how to incorporate a diversity mindset into organizational culture, and how to relate and communicate more collaboratively and respectfully with everyone you interact with. Informed by first-person accounts from people who experience inequality and exclusion, it encourages participants to explore the reality of discrimination, inequality, and barriers to inclusion for various cohorts of people. Inequalities related to race, gender, sexuality, and disability will be considered. Participants will be invited to critically reflect on how these issues shape the experiences of the people they work with and consider how their own practice can be developed to support enhanced agency and advocacy around these issues.

Instructor Biography:

Kyaw Sit Naing holds his Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University (2013) and a B.A. in Political Science and Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012). He worked as an Associate Program Director at Daw Khin Kyi Foundation in Yangon upon his return to Burma in 2013 and as a visiting lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Yangon University, since 2016. Recently he founded the Yangon School of Social Work, the pioneer social work school in Myanmar. While he focuses on the capacity development of youth in Myanmar, he also works on becoming a social change agent for his homeland by enabling fellow citizens to see a better future, appreciate their differences, and draw strength from those differences while moving toward a better quality of life.

Myo Thida (Ph.D.)

Course Title: Supervised Machine Learning

Instructor: Myo Thida (Ph.D.)

What you can expect from this course:

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become part of our daily routines, and AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks are commonly used, sometimes interchangeably, in many conversations. This brings confusion to many beginners. This course will help you understand AI technologies and find opportunities to apply AI to problems in your daily life or own organization. You will learn how to build, and train Supervised machine-learning models for regression and binary classification problems.

To get the best out of this course, it is compulsory to attend the class using a computer (not a smartphone).

Instructor Biography:

Myo Thida is a social entrepreneur with a strong belief in Education for reforming a country. With a scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore, she graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree in Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2005 and 2008. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Vision from Kingston University, the UK, in 2013. Her research interest is in the areas of Computer Vision and Video Analytic. She has published a book on" Contextual Analysis of Videos" and more than five scientific journals in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

Since the end of 2013, she has been working in the area of training, capacity development, and data analytics. Through her own training institute (iSTAR Institute) and consulting firm (VigorZwe), she has trained a wide range of audiences, starting from university lecturers to the Member of parliaments. She has worked with Technological universities and Colleges in Myanmar to reform the curriculum and lectured on courses in Programming such as MATLAB, C++, Python and Data Analytics, Data Science, and Machine Learning in Myanmar and Bhutan.

Dr. Myo Thida was Vice Principal of Singapore Myanmar Vocational Training Institute (2014-2017), an ASEAN-US science and technology fellow (2019), and an ASEAN science diplomat (2021).

Jennifer Jalal (Ph.D.)

Course Title: Consumerism: The Good, Bad, and ugly aspects of consumer culture in our society

Instructor: Jennifer Jalal (Ph.D.)

What you can expect from this course:

Honest disclosure is required to answer this question: how many of us will admit to the "I shop; therefore I am" motto'? We shop when we are happy, when we are depressed (thus the term Retail Therapy!), or when we are anxious. Looks like we do not need an excuse to shop! But why do we shop/consume? What pushes us to become hoarders or deal hunters? How is our 'irresponsible' consumerism impacting society, Earth, and the environment? In this course, we will be looking for answers to these questions while we unpack the history, evolution, and trends in consumer culture and retail architecture.

Instructor Biography:

Jennifer Jalal holds a Master's degree in Sociology and Urban and Regional Planning and a Ph.D. in Development Studies. She brings with her 20 years of international experience, teaching and conducting multi-disciplinary research on urban development issues. She also has extensive knowledge of the non-profit sector, having worked with various NGOs in India, her country of origin, and as the founder - Director of a creative community initiative near Toronto, Canada, where she is based. Her current research interests are in understanding overlapping dynamics between humans and their built environment (physical structures) and the various socio-spatial transitions we go through in society. A firm believer in experiential learning, her courses touch upon a variety of contemporary issues, allowing learners to explore and question societal trends and patterns drawing from their own life experiences and contexts within which they are located.

Apply Now: Deadline: Wednesday, December 15, 2022, 5:00 PM (Myanmar Time)

Spring 2023 ParamiX Courses Info Session Time: Monday, Dec 12, 2022, 7:00 PM (Myanmar Time) Zoom link: For more information about ParamiX Courses, please contact us at

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