Dr. David Golding
Chair of the Division of Social Science and Humanities
Dr. David Golding obtained his Ph.D. in Education and Social Justice from Lancaster University. He recently completed an honorary postdoctoral fellowship at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. David’s research looks at coloniality, development, international education, governmentality, and neoliberalism. It has appeared in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Postcolonial Studies, Perspectives on Science, and elsewhere. He has also reviewed manuscripts for journals such as Critical Studies in Education, Television and New Media, and Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. Previously, David taught at public and private universities in Sri Lanka, and has also worked as a human rights observer in Mexico and Guatemala.

"Your liberal arts education is a vessel. You are at the helm. Navigating this world of ideas is both enthralling and challenging. Eventually you figure out where you are, where you're going, and discover your own historical responsibility."